Victor 12004 Desktop Calculator

Victor 12004 Desktop Calculator

VCT 12004

12-digit desktop display calculator features an auto-replay that allows you to check and correct up to 99 previous entries. CSM keys allow quick, easy solutions to cost/sell/margin problems. Simply enter two variables, and the third appears. Design includes super large, fully punctuated tilt display and a full-size keyboard with PC touch. Functions include two independent tax keys, percent, square root key, four-key memory, backspace key, change sign key, grand total key and automatic constants. Desktop display calculator operates on dual power (solar/battery) with automatic power-down feature. Calculator is made with a high percentage of recycled material.

Victor 12004 Desktop Calculator - Auto Power Off, Big Display, Auto Replay, Easy-to-read Display, Dual Power - 12 Digits - LCD - Battery/Solar Powered - 0.5" x 7.3" x 6.4" - Black - 1 Each