Flagship Carpets Nantucket Blue Moreland Design Rug

Flagship Carpets Nantucket Blue Moreland Design Rug

FCI FM22522A

Deodorizer fogger with a total release valve. Each can treats up to 6,000 cubic feet, reaching deep into cracks and crevices. Effective against HIV-1, TB, MRSA, Influenza, Herpes Simplex Type II, Staphylococcus Aureus, Salmonella Choleraesuis, and Athlete's Foot Fungi (Trichophyton Mentagrophytes). Broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent for environmental surfaces. Controls mold and mildew.Eliminates odors by attacking them at their source. Net 6oz. Flagship Carpets Nantucket Blue Moreland Design Rug - 72" Length x 48" Width - Dark Blue - Nylon