Flagship Carpets Easy Care ABC Tapestry Rug

Flagship Carpets Easy Care ABC Tapestry Rug

FCI CE19216W

Brute Recycling Rollout Container with lid offers easy mobility for bulk recycling. It can serve as a central collection container or shipping container, reducing the amount of handling. Heavy-duty, well-balanced design delivers added stability in high winds and on uneven surfaces. Heavy-duty wheels roll easily, even over steps or curbing so you can transport recyclable waste with ease and efficiency. Inset wheels enable easy movement without damaging walls and doorways. Molded-in catch bar is compatible with virtually any automated lift system. Attached hinged lid fits snugly and swings back and locks into place. One-piece seamless construction means superior durability and easy cleaning. Rollout container is made with post-consumer resin, exceeding EPA guidelines.

Flagship Carpets Easy Care ABC Tapestry Rug - Floor Rug - 60" Length x 36" Width - Multicolor - Nylon