Carpets for Kids A to Z Animals Area Rug

Carpets for Kids A to Z Animals Area Rug

CPT 5512

Compact, 700 ml soap dispenser is ideal for tight spaces and delivers reliable touch-free dispensing. GOJO smart electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries (sold separately) over the life of the system in most installations. LTX-7 Hands-free Soap Dispenser easily converts to locking dispenser. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Sanitary-sealed, GOJO refills (sold separately) are made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30 percent less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Controlled-collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Dispenser is fully ADA-compliant.

Carpets for Kids A to Z Animals Area Rug - Area Rug - 12 ft Length x 90" Width - Rectangle