SKILCRAFT Daily Planner/Book
753 0016007589Dated daily appointment planner offers 12 months of planning from January to December for year-round efficiency. One-page-per-weekday format allows detailed planning with ruled entries, 15-minute appointment times from 7 AM to 7:45 PM and holidays. Left pages show current reference month. Right pages show following reference month. Two weekend days share a page. Pages at the front of the planner provide 12-month calendars for the current year and two future years. Important dates and holidays are included for each of the three years. Three back pages of the twin-wirebound planner also include areas for jotting quick notes or reminders. Cover is made of coated paper with 50 percent post-consumer content. Wire contains 90 percent post-consumer content, all printed with soy ink
SKILCRAFT Daily Planner/Book - Julian Dates - Daily - 1 Year - December till January - 7:00 AM to 7:45 PM - 1 Week Single Page Layout - White Sheet - Wire Bound - Simulated Leather, Paper - Black - 8" Height x 5" Width - Important Date, Holiday Listing, Notes Area, Reminder Section, Reference Month, Printed, Reference Calendar, Appointment Schedule, Embossed, Ruled Planning Space - 1 Each